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Public Speaking and Webinars (Internal & External)

As a former educator, I enjoy making presentations at conferences as well as hosting internal and external knowledge-sharing webinars. Below are some examples of my speaking engagements.

Big Data, the Web and Security

Les Entretiens de Toulouse

Toulouse, France

As part of this annual scientific colloquium, I led a training session and debate on the role of Big Data and the Web in the context of national and corporate security and risk management. Specifically, the discussion focused on the use of big data technologies for:

The scope of threats analyzed included those that can be traced t destabilizatons due to natural resource insufficiencies and climate change impacts.

Big Data & Innovation: Product-in-Life Intelligence from Machine Data


Orlando, FL; Brussels

This presention focused on the use of consumer and industrial Internet of Things technology to gather intelligence about the lives of our products and services in the world, intelligence that can help us achieve sustainable innovation in the way we design, produce, deliver and support our products and services.

World Wide Web Conference

Lyon, France

At this conference, I participated in a very lively conversation about the future direction of the World Wide Web. The discussion and debate focused on the evolution of the Web, the standardization of its associated technologies, and the impact of those technologies on society and culture.

PLM Meets Big Data Discovery

3DExperience Matinée

Vélizy, France

I gave a talk at this breakfast seminar on the use of Big Data techniques and technologies to extend and improve product lifecycle management (PLM) systems.

EXALEAD & Big Data: It's All About Usage


At this event, I explained how the Exalead CloudView search engine infrastructure could be used as an alternate data management systems for Big Data analytics and business applications. The presentation included case studies of some of Exalead's Big Data deployments.

Enterprise Search Europe

London, UK

My presentation at this event was entitled "Big Data: Business Value in Record Time". It was also focused on IoT/IIoT technology, spcifically the combination of IoT and search technologies to extract business value from massive flows of machine data. Case studies presented included real-time operational reporting and analytics on data flowing from household smart meters, wind power production meters, and postal sorting machine monitors.

Big Data Webinar

This external webinar helped audience members better understand 1) what big data means, 2) what technologies are used to manage big data, and 3) how they could exploit big data to drive innovation, ramp up productivity, and create groundbreaking new user experiences.

Advanced Analytics Webinars

This was an internal webinar series designed to help staff understand the field of advanced analytics, and to increase awareness of company analytics capabilities and internal resources that could be used to build analytics knowledge and skills (experts, training opportunities, and resource documents).